To ensure our customers receive value for money and a high level of customer service, every registered user of will enjoy an exclusive range of features and benefits. This section will help you through the registration process. Simply complete the form with all the relevant details - fields marked with an * are compulsory.
Your name: Your first name and surname are required.
Your address: Please enter details of your home address.
Your daytime and evening telephone numbers: We require both numbers so that we can contact you in the event of a query or notify you if you have been successful in one of our regular prize draws! Your numbers will not be passed on to any third parties and we will only contact you if we really need to. These are optional - you do not have to disclose your numbers if you do not want to.
Email address: This is important as it is used to log you in to the web site. Please ensure you enter the correct e-mail address. We will also keep you posted of special offers and news about the bid4sport web site.
Password: Your password should be between six and twelve characters and something you can easily remember. You will need to confirm your password in the field directly below.
When you have finished entering your details, click on the 'submit' button to proceed. If you have not entered your details correctly an error message will be displayed asking you to complete the appropriate fields. You must enter all the Required details correctly to be able to continue.
When you have successfully entered the required details an e-mail wil be forwarded to you confirming your registration.