Nottingham Forest Manager 1934/35 G Noel Watson Signed Notts Forest Headed Paper TLS.

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    Nottingham Forest 1934/35 Signed Letter: Signed by manager G Noel Watson and sent to the Football League regarding tickets on Notts Forest headed paper TLS and dated 16th November 1934.

    Letter Content:

    Dated November 15th 1934

    Addressed to F Howarth Esq.,

    Dear Mr Howarth,

    Re Season Ticket 1934-35.

    In reply to your letter of the 12th. inst. re the above, I beg to give you explanation as requested re discrepancies in our Season ticket Return to you of Nov. 7th.

    The Season tickets are issued on our behalf by anAgency, and after the Returns had been rendered for our last home match Versus Oldham Athletic on Nov. 3rd., I found when compiling the Statement to the Football League in accordance with bRule 7 that the tickets sold and unsold did not agree according to the Returns previously rendered to Visitors, therefore I submitted to you the correct returns up to and including Nov. 7th., and I now propose to remit the sum of 10/1d to the Clubs we have already played at Nottingham, and I trust thatv this bwill meet with your approval.

    Yours faithfully

    G Noel Watson (signature)

    Hon. Secretary. 

    16 NOV. 1934


    Size is A4.

    Very Rare!!